Allan Yates Profile Page

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Allan Yates 10 lb Pollock Trueblue (Jan-2007)
Allan Yates 18 lb 6 oz Cod Katie Ann (Jun-2011)
Allan Yates 18 lb 4 oz Cod Katie Ann (Apr-2011)
Allan Yates 18 lb 2 oz Turbot Rapid Fisher (Apr-2011)
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Onboard Series Cod fishing on Flamer… 19-Jun-2016
Peace & Plenty charter boat out of W… 19-Jun-2016
Peace & Plenty Weymouth charter boat… 03-May-2016
Cod and Halibut fishing at Skjervoy … 28-Mar-2016
Skerry Belle (25/02/2015)
Another trip back to my roots were I fished as a lad along the Kent coast and enjoyed some of the best fishing available from UK waters. I fish a lot off shore and to enjoy an inshore day uptiding for Cod was pleasant and also very productive fishing out of Ramsgate on board the Skerry Belle skippered by owner Roger Lennon. The boat is ideal for inshore angling with plenty of space, the day started quite miserable with heavy rain and overcast skys but little to no wind so the sea state was calm to flat and at the end of the day after plenty of sunshine too it became oily. As it was inshore fishing the mark chosen was reached in a short travelling time and we were soon casting uptide style using top quality lugworm baits provided by the skipper and his reliable digger. Once the scents of our baits found their way around the Codling started to arrive and they were steady throughout the day along with the odd whiting, pout and doggies. Plenty of fish in the box, nice day after the short period of rain and also treated to bacon baps and a hot dinner plus treacle sponge pudding with custard and some tinnies were on offer for those not driving, skipper Roger is a City & Guilds trained chef and can russle up anything you want to bring along or provide meals with prior notice. So to say this inshore trip was a winner on the Ramsgate Riviera can only be the right description and with a beer and fish & chip supper before the drive home and time to reflect on a first class day. In between catching Codling I managed to shoot some HD video for my On Board Series so as soon as that's edited it will go up on my YouTube channel, enjoy some of these vidcaps from the movie and you will soon get the picture of what a great day it was, shoot down to Ramsgate and grab some action while the Cod is plentyful you will get well looked after On the Skerry Belle Charter Boat If you're a beginner plenty of tuition is available and you even get your catch prepared ready to take home.
Skerry Belle (16/10/2014)
Back to my roots I grew up fishing the Kent coast and enjoying some best fishing on offer around the UK. Recently I was invited to join a party of anglers boat fishing out of Ramsgate Marina so a return to fish near marks I fished many years ago. The boat was the Skerry Belle a large spacious traditional style boat which was originally a licensed ferry boat off the east coast. Skipper owner Roger Lennon who has years of experience fishing off Ramsgate and the notorius Goodwin Sands was friendly and willing to find you fish and provide any support you could want, crewman that day was Geordie John a very experienced angler again willing to offer any guidandce you care to ask for. I have uptided before but needed help in how it was done off Ramsgate and both Roger and John obliged and put me on the right track including baiting techniques that work well. Since that first trip I have enjoyed more outings taking good sized Bass largest to date 7lbs+ and the last trip we hit the thornback rays with me being the top rod with most caught and heaviest fish at 11.5lbs. With the winter Cod showing I will be back for many more and his toasted bacon sarnies are to die for if you get time to eat them as the fish jump all over your baits. To sum it up a wicked find to return to my roots with many more being planned, you need to have some yourself and Enjoy !!!