Catches: Just Landed


14 lb 5 oz Cod

Rachel K (3-Jun-2014)

3 lb 7 oz Bull Huss

Rachel K (3-Jun-2014)
Robin chapman

31 lb Cod

Bite Adventures (2-Jun-2014)
George A, Me Julie, Nigel & Matt

5 lb Pollock

Excel 2 (2-Jun-2014)
wes from ramsgate

7 lb 2 oz Bass

Skerry Belle (2-Jun-2014)
gavin from ramsgate

9 lb 7 oz Thornback Ray

Skerry Belle (2-Jun-2014)
wes from ramsgate

12 lb 5 oz Thornback Ray

Skerry Belle (2-Jun-2014)
Paul,Chalky and Richard

3 lb 5 oz Bass

High Flyer 2 (2-Jun-2014)
Richard Thain

5 lb Bass

High Flyer 2 (2-Jun-2014)
Big George A

1 lb 12 oz Bass

Excel 2 (2-Jun-2014)

12 lb Cod

She Likes It II (2-Jun-2014)
Nigel and Me Julie

5 lb Pollock

Excel 2 (2-Jun-2014)

5 lb Pollock

Excel 2 (2-Jun-2014)
Me Julie

7 lb Cod

Excel 2 (2-Jun-2014)
Nigel and Me Julie

5 lb Cod

Excel 2 (2-Jun-2014)
George , Me Julie & Matt

5 lb Cod

Excel 2 (2-Jun-2014)

7 lb Cod

Excel 2 (2-Jun-2014)
lee mathews

13 lb 4 oz Pollock

Blazer 2 (1-Jun-2014)