Fish Identification: Dab

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Josh from Kent

1 lb 5 oz Dab

Better Days (Nov-2019)
Dan from Kent

1 lb Dab

Skerry Belle (Nov-2019)
Paul from Dover

1 lb 2 oz Dab

Skerry Belle (Oct-2019)

1 lb Dab

Mistress Linda / San Gina3 (5-Oct-2019)

6 oz Dab

TopCat Charters (22-Sep-2019)
Chris from Dover

1 lb Dab

Skerry Belle (Feb-2019)
Dan from ramsgate

1 lb 5 oz Dab

Skerry Belle (Jan-2019)
Louis from Kent

1 lb Dab

Skerry Belle (Jan-2019)
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