Fish Identification: Thornback Ray

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Your Catches

Dave Collinge

8 lb 2 oz Thornback Ray

Jensen & Suveran (7-Jul-2013)
Bob Marshall

8 lb 6 oz Thornback Ray

Duke IV (7-Jul-2013)

4 lb Thornback Ray

Laura Jane (7-Jul-2013)

12 lb Thornback Ray

Skerry Belle (6-Jul-2013)

10 lb 2 oz Thornback Ray

Skerry Belle (6-Jul-2013)
mike cox

5 lb Thornback Ray

Skerry Belle (6-Jul-2013)
Bob Marshall

10 lb Thornback Ray

Duke IV (4-Jul-2013)

12 lb 4 oz Thornback Ray

Skerry Belle (4-Jul-2013)
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