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Fishing Report by Philip Higgins
on Mistress Linda / San Gina3 (Poole, Dorset)
18 Jun 2019 by Philip Higgins
Report on-board Mistress Linda / San Gina3
The weather has hampered fishing with lots of wet and windy conditions a far cry from this time last year add that to the continued presence of a large pod of Dolphins patrolling Poole Bay eating anything that swims, they have been seen flicking Bass into the air then devouring them as they hit the water. The Ray fishing continues to be good with plenty of Undulates, Small Eyed and Thornbacks being landed and released along with more dogfish and very small conger eels. This years Bream fishing has fluctuated with the tides but remains good with a bumper crop of very small bait robbing bream around if you fish small enough hooks you can get 3 at a time. During the bigger tides Bass dominate everyone's thoughts and there are plenty around to have a good days fishing and as long as you keep to the 1 fish rule you will be safe from the authorities.
Enjoy the summer and some great catches
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