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Fishing Report by Philip Higgins
on Mistress Linda / San Gina3 (Poole, Dorset)
16 Jul 2019 by Philip Higgins
Report on-board Mistress Linda / San Gina3
The settled weather we are having has improved the fishing with excellent catches of Plaice up to 3lb 4 oz, last weekend the Albion team managed 109 Plaice in 4 long drifts only keeping 18, along the beaches are also producing fine catches of Plaice with a few small Brill and Turbot as a bonus. The only downside of Poole Bay at the moment is the bumper year crop of tiny Bream which devastate the baits within seconds. On the outer banks Rays dominate the fishing with young 78 year old Colin getting a double shot of Undulate Rays weighing 10lb and 14lb on their own are good fish but together poor old Colin had to have an early nightcap (Brandy from the hip flask) to ease the pain. Today we saw our 2nd Sunfish of the season and plenty of Dolphins which again killed the fishing.
Tight lines
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