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  • 11/2019 Fishing Report by Matt Forrester on Silver Halo (Torquay, Devon)

    Nov 2019 by Matt Forrester

    Report on-board Silver Halo

    Well the summer came to a miserable close with a continual steam of bad weather systems! Just the period from the start of August right through to mid November has lost me approx 50 bookings so it's been pretty painful!
    On the few days I have got to sea the fishing has been mostly good with some good bass fishing to be had. The biggest so far is only 9lb but Im hoping to better that before the end of the year.
    On a more positive note we had our first Bluefin Tuna. The fish took about 1hr 20 mins to beat and was estimated at around 280lb. A real test of every ones skills onboard and a thing of real beauty! I'm sure this is to be the first of many!!! I should point out that the fish was released without being removed from the water and swam away in a good healthy manner.
    Please get in touch for more info and to get booked in, thanks Matt

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    Fri 06/12/2024 1 Space £165.00pp
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