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Fishing Report by Philip Higgins
on Mistress Linda / San Gina3 (Poole, Dorset)
29 Nov 2019 by Philip Higgins
Report on-board Mistress Linda / San Gina3
Seems along time ago that I last updated this page, since then the boat has had new FPT engines, new dash and a full engine room upgrade including a new Fuel Polishing System fitted ready for the introduction of FAME diesel. On removing the old engines and water locks we found one of the water locks had melted inside fortunately a sensing system fitted by ActiSense alerted me quickly but after finding this obviously not quick enough even though the alarm went off at 82c. Nearly everything is now done just waiting for the customised exhaust spray heads to come back from the polishers ready for sea trials next week. Looking forward to getting out fishing and seeing what the boat handles like .
All the best
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