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Fishing Report by Philip Higgins
on Mistress Linda / San Gina3 (Poole, Dorset)
18 Feb 2020 by Philip Higgins
Report on-board Mistress Linda / San Gina3
Well what some atrocious weather we have had and yet more to come, like most other skippers I have only managed a couple of trips this month cancelling 9 on the trot, not good but that is the nature of our business. The best day so far this month was with Paul and a few friends who had 3 previous trips cancelled, this was just plucked out of the air and it coincided with the calmest day of February and bright sunshine, we went to the chosen mark and it seems as though the bank has been washed away by storms and was 1/2 its original size so we headed further out and came across a new mark which produced Spurdogs and Rays all day with a couple of Tope well over 30lb and as a bonus for Paul he caught his 1st Octopus. Towards the end of the day we were joined by a large Porbeagle that was more interested in chasing hooked fish to the boat than feeding we offered plenty of goodies to no avail.
Not much to report but the wife is very happy as all those jobs around the home have been done and I have plenty of brownie points in the bag for later !!!!.View Boats Page