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Fishing Report by Philip Higgins
on Mistress Linda / San Gina3 (Poole, Dorset)
25 May 2020 by Philip Higgins
Report on-board Mistress Linda / San Gina3
What some fantastic weather we have had during lockdown, I have seen so many people with ‘tans’ that previously would only have been gained abroad. I hope you are all well and nearing completion of all those jobs around the home you have never had time to do before. At last I have been able to return to sea 1st with the wife and the fishing was brilliant and in true form the wife caught more than me, last week I tried a trip with 1 person to see how to keep to the guidelines and it worked perfectly and on the back of this as from 1st June I am now operating 1 person trips which have had a tremendous response from my regulars and June has been snapped up. Hopefully we can increase the numbers and having worked out social distancing requirements and practicality I will be once allowed taking a maximum of 5 anglers who all know each other or families. If you would like a day out alone, with friends or family please call.
Stay safe
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