View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by Jason Parrott
on Lady Ann (Ramsgate, Kent)
27 May 2020 by Jason Parrott
Report on-board Lady Ann
What a day started off on the skate managed over 20 then decided to go and have a look for some silver bars, first drop on feathers a 6lb and a 7 lb bass so job done move to the hound spot Wayne Leadbetter wanted to try and beat his pb so we fished hard through the flood. I told him not to panic yet tide eased and a numerous doubles came out but then BANG a massive run and a 15 .5 lb female heavily pupped so quick weigh and photo and straight back in and 2 min later the special rod with special bait went off we knew this was the one after a long fight on light tackle we landed her 19 5 lb. Job done pb smashed for life methinks.
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