View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by Maxime Couque
on Leaca Rua (Rossaveel, Galway)
19 Jul 2011 by Maxime Couque
Report on-board Leaca Rua
Galway Bay has been very good lately. The Pollocks are getting more and more aggressive, we are catching several cods each trip and a few nice lings are coming up. It has been very difficult to fish for spurdog because of the weather, but every time the two boats tried, we were very successfull. Mackerel are good some days and hard to... catch some other days. They are probably waiting for the good weather like us!
Last week I went fishing with 5 lads, the weather was great, we were fishing around Inish Meain, we caught 10 species (mackerel, sandeel, pollock, haddock, blonde ray, cod, pouting, cuckoo wrassse, coal fish and red gurnard). On the way back, we tried for tope, but no luck, instead a nice 7 lbs blonde ray got caught by Diederik Wienen from Utrecht, the Netherlands.
The weather was north west all week end, so we didn't go fishing around the island, we stayed close to the north shore and went fishing for ray. Plenty nice thornback ray caught, dog fish and bullhuss also and a nice 8lbs 7oz Undulate Ray (my first one!) caught by Sujit Rampersand from Mauritius.View Boats Page