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Fishing Report by Colin Penny
on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)
12 Aug 2020 by Colin Penny
Report on-board Flamer IV
The Summer Reef/Bank fishing has been good for catches of Black Bream, Rays, Tope, Bull Huss, Congers etc with a few personal bests being set and broken.
New PB's for Will Smith who landed a superb specimen 19Ib Undulate Ray and Kevin Clark landed a 3Ib 12oz Black Bream, while Simon Wilton caught his first ever Undulate Ray weighing 13Ib and is now his personal best,
also a new PB for peter Gillett with a 14Ib 8oz Undulate Ray.
Kevin Clark is pictured holding his 3Ib 12oz Black Bream.
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