View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by Bob Marshall
on Duke IV (Ramsgate, Kent)
18 Apr 2009 by Bob Marshall
Report on-board Duke IV
Duke IV report April 15th -18th
The Skate fishing has turned on with good catches all over the area. Derek Edmonds group had a good catch in the Thames estuary with 14 up to double figures, along with quality Whiting . Thursday saw us visit the wrecks where Terry Gages group caught 25 Cod to around 12lb.On the way back we feathered up some Mackeral on the Falls bank. The fresh mackerel forced us to stop and try for Skate landing 5, the best weighing 13lb 8oz, again quality Whiting made up the numbers. Len Hoopers group were hoping to get on the wrecks today but the NE wind stopped us so we tried for Skate, landing 7 before the wind forced us inshore.
Dates available if you want in on the action!View Boats Page