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Fishing Report by Colin Penny
on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)
16 Sep 2011 by Colin Penny
Report on-board Flamer IV
SEPTEMBER 2011 - The SOUTH COAST SAC joined Flamer IV for a 5 day angling break with flatties in mind.The first day how ever was blown off and the second day a species comp was done catching thornback rays,dogfish,gurnards,scad,pollack etc.The weather improved on the other days and the flatty fishing got under way.They enjoyed some fantastic fishing catching plaice,turbot and brill and a lonely dab.Several of the members achieved personal bests with plaice of 5Ib plus and 6Ib.Pictured are Graham Newell(the short person) with his personal best plaice weighing 6Ib and Jim Stoneham with his personal best plaice weighing 5Ib.
Angling breaks are good way to spend a few days fishing aboard Flamer IV out of Weymouth.Book Now for 2012.View Boats Page