View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by nick smith
on Lillie May (Beer, Devon)
9 Apr 2022 by nick smith
Report on-board Lillie May
Its been a long time since I fished Beer, and i I was really looking forward to the whole Beer experience, from launching off the beach to being hauled back up on your return, it really just adds to the day. not to mention the fishing can be something special here, and you just never know what you might hook into.
Anyways the plan was to fish as light as possible with most of us hoping to fish with our LRF set ups, which we managed to do for most of the trip, stepping up from the normal 2 - 5g lead heads to using 20g weights to a couple ounces which the rods could easily handle but which made the fishing really hands on....and so much more fun when you get a fish...bait used was squid, mackerel, herring, sand eel and rag worm.
Have to admit it was a rather slow day, due in part to me picking too small a tide, and the dreaded bloom already in the water, but we carried on and it wasnt long before the banter was interupted by Ian jumping up as his rod bent over, this was followed by the usual questioning of "what is it then bud?" from all the other's, along with "cor your milking that dogfish mate," Then George called out he could see colour and it looks very breamy.....and we could not believe it, the first fish of the day was a lovely looking black bream.
Now we had the fish biting, and we started working on the species count...dogfish, whiting, grey gurnard, smoothhound, conger, black bream, and the then George caught something special, infact it was the main reason we had returned to Beer as it was the only place I had ever seen them caught, we had thought it would be too early for them but George called out he had a fish on and it was a male dragonette, and In my opinion the best looking fish we have in our waters, it would look more at home in a tropical sea than our cold water's.
For the last hour of the trip we steamed back inshore and had a drift over the sand to see if we could find any plaice, but it wasnt to be and before long it was time to call it a day and bring up our gear for the last time.
I am back out there again in a few weeks time with more trips booked up for later in the year, big thanks to Paul and look forward to fishing with you again soon....View Boats Page
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