View Fishing Report

  • 18/10/2022 Fishing Report by Simon Logan on Deep Blue (Eastbourne, East Sussex)

    18 Oct 2022 by Simon Logan

    Report on-board Deep Blue

    Tuesday 18th October:

    AM. Flat calm, sunny and little wind to start.

    PM. It got lumpier come lunchtime with strengthening winds and a few decent sized rogue waves.

    Anchoring on a brand new mark for the remainder of the ebb tide this morning produced a lot of thornback rays, pretty much instantly. A lovely fat bass and a (not mahoosive but fair) Tope was boated too.

    Drifting slack water, and the start of flood at a regularly used spot saw us straight into bream. They have been here for what seems like forever now, and there’s no sign of their numbers starting to dwindle just yet.

    Moving away from the consistent bream mark (we could’ve stayed and caught a ton more but we already had plenty) for the remaining hour or so proved pretty thankless. A couple of small Huss, and you guessed it, another couple of small bream were our meagre reward. Fishing made all the more difficult with building swell and wind, we headed back to the marina in following seas for the 15:30 lock. Cool boxes full.

    Overall - a belter of a day out with a small group of 3.

    Species caught: 11
    Bull huss
    Black bream
    Smooth hound
    Thornback rays
    Poor cod

    View Boats Page
    Thu 20/02/2025 £75.00pp
    Need 4 more for trip go-ahead. £600 (£75pp) Mixed fishing - full boat £680 (£85pp) Wrecking - full boat Prices based on 8 anglers - we run up to 10 anglers maximum at request. Equipment and bait available - ask the Skipper.
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    Fri 21/02/2025 5 Spaces £75.00pp
    £600 (£75pp) Mixed fishing - full boat £680 (£85pp) Wrecking - full boat Prices based on 8 anglers - we run up to 10 anglers maximum at request. Equipment and bait available - ask the Skipper.
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    Sat 22/02/2025 6 Spaces £75.00pp
    £600 (£75pp) Mixed fishing - full boat £680 (£85pp) Wrecking - full boat Prices based on 8 anglers - we run up to 10 anglers maximum at request. Equipment and bait available - ask the Skipper.
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    Sun 23/02/2025 7 Spaces £75.00pp
    Need 7 more for trip go-ahead. £600 (£75pp) Mixed fishing - full boat £680 (£85pp) Wrecking - full boat Prices based on 8 anglers - we run up to 10 anglers maximum at request. Equipment and bait available - ask the Skipper.
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    Mon 24/02/2025 £75.00pp
    Need 4 more for trip go-ahead. £600 (£75pp) Mixed fishing - full boat £680 (£85pp) Wrecking - full boat Prices based on 8 anglers - we run up to 10 anglers maximum at request. Equipment and bait available - ask the Skipper.
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    Tue 25/02/2025 £75.00pp
    Need 4 more for trip go-ahead. £600 (£75pp) Mixed fishing - full boat £680 (£85pp) Wrecking - full boat Prices based on 8 anglers - we run up to 10 anglers maximum at request. Equipment and bait available - ask the Skipper.
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    Wed 26/02/2025 £75.00pp
    Need 4 more for trip go-ahead. £600 (£75pp) Mixed fishing - full boat £680 (£85pp) Wrecking - full boat Prices based on 8 anglers - we run up to 10 anglers maximum at request. Equipment and bait available - ask the Skipper.
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    Thu 27/02/2025 £75.00pp
    Need 4 more for trip go-ahead. £600 (£75pp) Mixed fishing - full boat £680 (£85pp) Wrecking - full boat Prices based on 8 anglers - we run up to 10 anglers maximum at request. Equipment and bait available - ask the Skipper.
    View details
    Fri 28/02/2025 5 Spaces £75.00pp
    Need 4 more for trip go-ahead. £600 (£75pp) Mixed fishing - full boat £680 (£85pp) Wrecking - full boat Prices based on 8 anglers - we run up to 10 anglers maximum at request. Equipment and bait available - ask the Skipper.
    View details
    Sun 02/03/2025 £75.00pp
    Need 4 more for trip go-ahead. £600 (£75pp) Mixed fishing - full boat £680 (£85pp) Wrecking - full boat Prices based on 8 anglers - we run up to 10 anglers maximum at request. Equipment and bait available - ask the Skipper.
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