View Fishing Report

  • 27/06/2023 Fishing Report by Scott Belbin on Galloper (Brightlingsea, Essex)

    27 Jun 2023 by Scott Belbin

    Report on-board Galloper

    Our general trips are producing a great mixture of fish at the moment. The main target is often the hard fighting smooth-hounds. These pretty fish are great sport particularly in shallow water where they really pull your string. As well as hounds the bass are always popular as both sport fish and for the table. They can be a little tricky to hook at times but that’s half of the fun. Using worm can really help attract these fish and we have been enjoying great quality and quantities of these fish once again. There are still a few thorn-back rays around too, some of which are ideal for the table, the others provide a welcome bend in the rod. We have also been catching quite a few tope on our general trips as well. Mostly smaller examples than we might expect on our offshore tope trips but they make a welcome addition to our days fishing and with a few reaching 8-10lbs they start to pull your string too.
    Ian Deakin joined us as an individual they other day and had a great mixed bag of fish. there weren’t any giants of anything but he had steady numbers of hounds with a few 8-10lbs, one or two small tope and several sizable bass in between the dogfish. he certainly seemed happy and if he keeps catching like that he is welcome aboard Galloper any time!
    I have individual spaces and possibility of full boat bookings over the coming weeks and months if you want to get out.
    Remember it is often worth giving me a shout if you are cancelled else where and still wish to get out, as we have lots of sheltered fishing available and a big catamaran which makes it even more comfortable.
    Spaces as follows
    29/06-full boat available from £490
    30/06-full boat available from £490
    05/07 full boat available from £490
    06/07 full boat available from £490
    07/07 full boat available from £490
    10/07-offshore bass trip 1 space @ £100pp plus worm bait
    11/07-possible offshore trip
    12/07-possible offshore trip
    13/07-possible offshore trip
    17/07-7 spaces @ £60pp
    Not all dates advertised, other spaces available for full boat bookings upon request
    For regular updates, availability and more information please visit find us on social media or call Scott on 07956411528

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