View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by Andy Savage
on Sea Urchin IIl (Whitby, North Yorkshire)
10 Sep 2023 by Andy Savage
Report on-board Sea Urchin IIl
A much tougher day on the wrecks today, but still with some fantastic weather.
A full boat of mixed angling abilities, some having never fished before and a few that have fished since God was a lad! We struggled with the Mackerel today, and it took us far longer to get them, than I would have liked. We had a stop on a wreck half way to our intended destination to try and get a few more, then ended up staying for an hour picking away with two or three Ling each drift. Nothing huge, with fish to around 8lb.
The Ebb tide eased right off and it was the first hour of the Flood Tide which saw an increase in bites and fish. Unfortunately, the average stamp of the fish wasn’t what it has been recently. A lot of the Ling (we only got two or three Codling all day again) were in the 3-5lb range with an odd better one. Mackerel on Muppet bait traces dominated, but Squid accounted for a fair few for Ian Kellock.
The last move of the day to a big old piece of scrap finally gave us what we had come for……..a “Super-Drift”!! First rod to slam over was Michael Townend’s, followed a few seconds later by Ben Cope. Both lads took their time and played their fish steadily. Michael got his 13lb Ling in the net first and then Ben “Top Trumped” him with a 16lb 4oz Ling. It was a great result for some solid angling.
The weather and company were fantastic once again. Thanks very much lads.View Boats Page
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