View Fishing Report

  • 29/02/2024 Fishing Report by Andy Savage on Sea Urchin IIl (Whitby, North Yorkshire)

    29 Feb 2024 by Andy Savage

    Report on-board Sea Urchin IIl

    At the end of last week, I had the pleasure of Shaun Marchington, Bob Jones and Jack booking the boat for themselves. We’d had to cancel the three previous trips due to poor weather, so it was great to finally get them out.
    With there only being the three of them, I provided an extra rod each, so they could fish with two rods and they were also happy for me to fish as well (which I don’t ordinarily do on regular trips).

    With a 5.2m tide, we chose to head North; running up towards Port Mulgrave and then working our way back to Whitby. Bait for the day was Squid, Black Lugworm, Mackerel or Prawns, but it turned out that Squid and Worm did the most bites as usual.

    On arrival at our first stop, we had to wait a while for the Ebb Tide to push through, so we just set off fishing one rod as the boat was swinging around. The boys picked up a few small Codling, whilst I switched to a lighter setup, fishing 2/0 hooks baited with small bits of Squid, which actually brought plenty of bites from small Codling, Whiting, and a single Dogfish. Once the tide picked up, the boat held steady and we got stuck in with two rods each. The bites came fairly regularly for around an hour, with a few flushes of fish moving through, which was good to see.

    Once it quietened down we moved on and at the next stop we had a frantic 30 minutes where we caught a fair few 3-4lb Codling which was nice, but then it just died a death. Interestingly, that turned out to be a pattern we identified later on in the day. Two spots we fished had a better average size of Codling, but died completely after 30 minutes or so and three other spots we fished did more bites for longer, but the average size was smaller.

    Over the course of the day we caught Codling, Whiting, Haddock, Pollock, Coalfish, Pouting, Poor Cod, and Dogfish. With the exception of one grey bellied fish, every other Codling we caught was absolutely pristine, bright white bellied and fresh run, which hopefully bodes well for the coming trips.

    The lads were fantastic company and before we knew it, the day had flown by and it was time to head for home. Thanks boys, see you next time.

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