View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by Dave Elliott
on Ocean Warrior 3 (Brighton, East Sussex)
23 Nov 2011 by Dave Elliott
Report on-board Ocean Warrior 3
Sean Harris had a days ground fishing for Cod. He had the best one of the day that weighed 20lb and was caught using worm and squid bait, on an inshore ledge. They also had some Whiting and Dogfish that day.
The fishing has been a little inconsistant recently due to the weather. There are still Conger and Cod on the wrecks if you get the weather to get out. We have now started inshore ground fishing for Cod. It should start to improve once the weather gets colder, as we are still catching plenty of Mackerel inside, along with some Dabs and Plaice. For latest catches visit
Dates are available for individuals, part bookings and full parties - call Dave on 07966 377145.View Boats Page