View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by Andy Savage
on Sea Urchin IIl (Whitby, North Yorkshire)
11 May 2024 by Andy Savage
Report on-board Sea Urchin IIl
To go, or not to go……that is the question!
With a decent weather “forecast” yesterday, giving mainly light winds, we had a run out. It was a Spring Tide (5.6m), but without the wind, it would certainly be fishable (as it was the day before). A group of mixed experience anglers joined us for the day.
With less than 2 hours before slack water, we started the day on the 5 mile rough ground, with a view to dropping on a nearby wreck at slack. We clipped a few fish on squid baited Hokkai’s just as the tide began to ease, then shuffled across to the wreck. The wreck gave us a fair few fish to Squid baited muppet traces, but nothing of any size. The biggest Codling being around 4lb.
As the Ebb tide got away, we fished the seven mile ground and then moved out to the nine mile ground. Simon and Diane Mulgrave fished with their lines running under the boat all day and caught consistently in very tricky conditions. Most people struggle under the boat, but they both handled it like Pro’s.
Unlike the forecast predicted, on the turn of tide the South Easterly wind began to lift and build. Within the hour, we went from 1.2 knots on the drift to 2.5 knots (which was almost unfishable).
Credit to everyone aboard, they kept plugging away. The lines were streaming off even with 16oz leads, but odd fish kept coming up. Mainly Whiting and an odd Codling. Soran Barber took the sweepstake with a Codling less than 5lb. It very quickly turned into a day that if I had known the actual outcome of the weather, I would have cancelled in a heartbeat.
I completely understand that anglers want to get out fishing, but sometimes it’s not about dangerous sea conditions. In my mind, there is absolutely no point going out to sea when you won’t be able to fish effectively. Fishing is meant to be fun and enjoyable, not a war of attrition. The South Easterly winds this weekend, whilst not strong, are enough to make fishing conditions very difficult/pointless.
All I can say is, I rely on your support and business to keep Sea Urchin going, but I’m not prepared to take anglers out to fish when I know in my heart of hearts, that we’ll be flogging the proverbial “Dead Horse”
If you’ve managed to get to this point in the post without falling asleep, well done.View Boats Page
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