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  • 11/12/2011 Fishing Report by Bob Marshall on Duke IV (Ramsgate, Kent)

    11 Dec 2011 by Bob Marshall

    Report on-board Duke IV

    Still the summer species abound here at Ramsgate with Bass, Skate and the odd Hound making up the numbers. The water is now though cooling down and taking some colour, looking more like the dirty winter sea the Cod favour.
    Plenty of Whiting and Doggies to keep the rods nodding while waiting for that elusive Cod.
    The bait required for a days fishing is much simpler now just lug, squid and some herrings for the Skate. Baby cuttles a great bait for the better Cod as the smaller species are not so keen, leaving it there for the Cod or large Bass that stay all winter.
    Its a lovely day out here today, bright sunshine and light west winds, making the fishing much more comfortable, we have a nice Skate amongst the smaller fish so looking good with some quality Whiting!
    Plenty of herring here now so when you bring up a small whiting let it back down, as small fish make up a large part of the Cods diet!
    Duke IV is fishing throughout the winter so don't sit at home bored, give me a call and let's go fishing!

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