View Fishing Report

  • 30/10/2024 Fishing Report by Andy Savage on Sea Urchin IIl (Whitby, North Yorkshire)

    30 Oct 2024 by Andy Savage

    Report on-board Sea Urchin IIl

    Lovely group of lads aboard Sea Urchin today.

    We broke the 5.0m tide barrier, so I knew that we’d be drifting a bit quicker on the ground; but with light winds forecast, I fancied us to find a fish or two. We followed a similar path as the previous two days. Starting off on the five mile ground, we had a couple of drifts for only a handful of small Codling, then moved further south on the same stretch of ground, but this time found a few fish.

    As has been the norm, we caught mainly Ling on this mark, with an odd Codling or Haddock. We didn’t get anything huge, but Pete Allard who was using my hire gear for his first trip, got straight in on the action. On only his third drift, I saw the rod go over and with a bit of a tussle he landed an 11lb 8oz Ling. Not bad for your first sea fish ever!! A couple of drifts later he also had a 9lb Ling to join its mate in the fish box. When your lucks in, it’s in!!

    Once it quietened off, we pushed out a couple of miles, but the three drifts we did didn’t yield much. The wind wasn’t giving us the right drift line for that spot, so I took us out to the nine mile ground. We had one rough ground drift for a couple of Ling and Haddock, but I noticed the lines were now a bit more vertical, so I took us to a nearby wreck. On arrival, we were greeted by a big old seal, and first drift saw us get nothing……..bugger!!

    As the tide eased, next drift we were in business. It didn’t last long, but 3-5 fish a run during slack was most welcome. Neil Swallow took the biggest fish with a Ling just into double figures. We spent the remainder of the day on the seven and nine mile ground picking up fish on the muppet bait traces or Hokkai’s, baited with Squid or Mackerel.

    My son has been crewing with me for the last few trips during half term. Today was a fishing day for him and he showed me that he’d been listening to the advice I offered. I was so proud to see him get two new PB Ling from out of the wreck on his own. They were 6lb & 7lb but he had no help from me at all. Very proud Dad. Well done Will ����

    Thanks lads, a really enjoyable day once again, spent in fantastic company.

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