View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by Colin Penny
on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)
18 Mar 2012 by Colin Penny
Report on-board Flamer IV
MARCH 2012 - THE ROYAL HOTEL TOTTINGTON SAC from Bury joined Flamer IV for a 2 day angling break.They landed several species, Turbot,Plaice,Spurdog,Cod,Pollack,Ling,Bull Huss,Conger,Common and Starry Smooth Hounds,Pout,Dogfish,Red Gurnard were caught.Several Personal bests and club records were set and broken.Allen Bradshaw set a new club Spurdog record only to see it broken 30 minutes later when Geoff Mather landed an 18 pounder.Tony Mills landed a 17Ib Undulate Ray which was his personal best and a new club record.Mike Baker caught a 10Ib 8oz Cod which was his personal Best.The Club had a good weekend on Flamer IV and can't wait to come back again on their next trip aboard Flamer IV in October to see if more personal bests and club records can be set or broken.
Geoff Mather is pictured with his 18Ib Spurdog.View Boats Page