View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by Colin Penny
on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)
8 Jun 2009 by Colin Penny
Report on-board Flamer IV
On the first day the cod fishing on the two wrecks I choose to drift over was just fantastic,in fact it was so good that we stopped fishing at 12 noon and went dolphin watching and we saw plenty of them.The three middle days we fished a variety of inshore marks catching plaice,whiting,gurnards,etc and some big bull huss in the 12 to 13Ib range.The last day we fished some wrecks on the drift and had a good catch of bigger cod up to 16Ib.We then anchored a wreck and had a session catching congers,ling and some monster pouts.
The Results of the speceies competition done over the 5 days were - Winner - Pedro,
Runner Up - Ian,Most Species - Pedro,Best Flatfish - Dodgey Dave,Weakest Link - Geordie,Entertainer of the week - Dodgey Dave,Rotton Bottom Award - The Skipper.
Everyone enjoyed the trip and the social side of it was as good as ever if not better.Geordie and lads said 5 days goe's to quickly so plans are now a foot to do a 7 day trip in 2010.
PICTURED are the happy guys with some of their cod catch.View Boats Page