View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by Colin Penny
on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)
Jun 2012 by Colin Penny
Report on-board Flamer IV
JUNE 2012 - COMPETITIONS - During the year many competitions are fished on Flamer IV like the recent annual AMMO Baits competition,pictured are the competiters with Ian and Michelle from AMMO Baits.If you like to fish competitions then book your place/s,DON'T MISS OUT.
Here is a list of the forthcoming competitions due to be held on Flamer IV in 2012 with place/s available.
JULY 9th - FLAMER IV v TOPCAT annual Plaice competition.
JULY 20th - Age over 60's competition.
AUGUST 15TH - FLAMER IV v SUPANOVA Flatty competition.
AUGUST 16TH - Lure only Species competition.
AUGUST 17TH - Portland Harbour and close surrounding area Species Competition.
SEPTEMBER 23RD - FLAMER IV v SUPANOVA Species/Hunt Competition.
NOVEMBER 11TH - Wrasse Competition - after Big Ballans.
DECEMBER 7TH - Annual one day Species/Hunt CompetitionView Boats Page