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Fishing Report by Bob Marshall
on Duke IV (Ramsgate, Kent)
30 Jun 2012 by Bob Marshall
Report on-board Duke IV
We are enjoying some fine fishing on Duke IV out from Ramsgate with some good Skate, Bass and Hounds inshore whilst out on the wrecks when we can get there we are landing plenty of Cod along with a sprinkling of Pollack. The wind is causing problems by stirring up the water, just as it clears from the last blow. This breaks up the Mackerel shoals making them difficult to catch for bait, the Skate and Bass much prefer fresh to frozen mackerel so always worth the effort to catch some.
The Cod & Pollack seem to favour sandeel type lures on the wrecks greedily engulfing them so there must be plenty of fish competing for the baits. Last thursday gave us a weather window and we were able to get out there with a crew of individuals who had a great day landing fish all day with Steve landing a large Tub Gurnard that took his pirk and Danny landing a lovely dark Cod pictured.View Boats Page