View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by Bob Marshall
on Duke IV (Ramsgate, Kent)
9 Aug 2009 by Bob Marshall
Report on-board Duke IV
Fishing remains generally good despite the unseasonable weather, the wind stirs up the water, that’s not good for the mackerel, making it difficult getting them for bait and the Skate love fresh mackerel. Despite this we are still getting a few! Bass fishing taking off now with some good fish being taken lugworm the bait of choice with mackerel fished hard on the bottom for the big girls. Chris landing this nr double on Duke IV using mackeral for bait.
Whiting are still around along with Pouting and the odd Codling inshore.
September usually sees an influx of pin whiting, favourite food of the Bass. When the right weather, tides and clear water come together we can enjoy some excellent fishing with pirk and hokkai lures over the rough ground and banks.
The Hounds will be heading back out of the estuary, somewhat larger than when they arrived due to a summer of crab crunching, giving some excellent although sporadic fishing. This winter could be good for the Cod provided they have survived the summer with last years 4lb average now into double figures and hopefully some 20lb’ers and maybe the odd thirty? Just like it used to be!View Boats Page