View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by Bob Marshall
on Duke IV (Ramsgate, Kent)
26 Jul 2012 by Bob Marshall
Report on-board Duke IV
Sunday 22nd saw us heading North, starting the day feathering Mackerel for bait. Along with the macks came a Gurnard, the cloudy waters made the mackereling hard but we ended up with enough for bait so onto the roads for Smoothies, Whiting, Doggies and a nice Bass for Steve. another move to the sands for Skate and a lovely little Turbot with most fish returned by Davids crew from Herne Bay.
Today we headed out to the wrecks where the building NE breeze caused the sea to pick up but the crew managed some tasty Cod before we were forced to head for shelter behind the Goodwin sands, stopping off for some Mackerel on the Falls bank. The fresh mackerel made for good bait with Olivia landing her first Bass and Sam landing a nice Hound. Not huge fish but certainly plenty of species around at the moment giving some interesting fishing!View Boats Page