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Fishing Report by Mark Peters
on DAWN TIDE II (Wallasea Island, Essex)
10 Aug 2012 by Mark Peters
Report on-board DAWN TIDE II
fri 10th aug
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Full boat of 12 a crackin forcast but small tide so headed out at 20 knots to a deep water wreck droped the hook got the tea poored and one of the blokes said he was snaged on the wreck i felt the rod and it was no snag he had a 13lb skate to bring up lol then came some more skate some doggys then the bass moved in 2 at the 5lb mark and a few at the 1.5lb 2lb and not forgetting the plenty of hounds comming aboard showin around 7lb lovley day shame the wether held my party back today as they wernt keen on the force 5-6 but tally of the day 6 bass 5 skate 10 or so hounds
skipper mark peters of the dawn tide