View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by Colin Penny
on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)
23 Nov 2012 by Colin Penny
Report on-board Flamer IV
Dave Metcalf and his mates from Sussex made the most of a small weather window and had a nice days fishing on the Adamant Bank.In total10 different species were caught which were Cod,Whiting,Thorback and Blonde rays,Smooth hounds,Tope,Congers,Pout,Dogfish and Poor Cod.Several Congers up to 25Ib were caught and released.John Hole landed the biggest Ray with a 14Ib Blonde Ray which was also returned alive.Steve Metcalf landed a 16Ib Cod on Squid and Mackerel cocktail bait.Steve Wells also landed a fine Cod which weighed in at 19Ib.The successful bait being three whole calamari squid mounted on a pennel rig.Steve is pictured with his 19 pounder.There was plenty of Whiting caught as well which was nice to see.The group caught their fish using down tide and up tide fishing methods.
The Reef and Bank fishing is and can be very intersting -SO DON'T MISS OUT.
The Next Reef/Bank Trips with place/s available are on December 1st,2nd,7th,8th.View Boats Page