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  • 18/10/2009 Fishing Report by Bob Marshall on Duke IV (Ramsgate, Kent)

    18 Oct 2009 by Bob Marshall

    Report on-board Duke IV

    A change in the weather from Indian summer to winter has coloured the water and brought in the Cod. Bens group of Firemen from London had a good day with plenty of fish including Cod Skate and some quality Whiting. The wind is blowing again as I write so perhaps the Bass will move out now. The Cod numbers should increase with plenty of doubles if last years fish have continued to grow as they should. We have been catching some fine Dabs lately, a small species but one that has been quite rare for a few years now. The fishing seems to be getting back to that of years gone by when there was plenty of species around with good numbers of large Cod. Its time to dig out the flotation suits & get out fishing!

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