View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by Dave Elliott
on Ocean Warrior 3 (Brighton, East Sussex)
Jan 2013 by Dave Elliott
Report on-board Ocean Warrior 3
The weather has not been great lately but we have managed to get some fishing in. When we have got out, there have been some nice double figured Pollack around on the offshore wrecks. There have also been a few Cod starting to show, which is great to see. The bigger Cod should be starting to show more as we progress into February and through to the beginning of March.
This is Simon from Essex with his good sized double figured Pollack, caught while 'gilling' over a wreck using a sidewinder lure.
Here is hoping for some fair fishing weather to get some good catches. If you fancy a day out wreck fishing give Dave a call on 07966 377145.View Boats Page