View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by Dave Elliott
on Ocean Warrior 3 (Brighton, East Sussex)
Feb 2013 by Dave Elliott
Report on-board Ocean Warrior 3
The weather has been much better lately and we have managed to get in some good fishing.
There are some big Pollack being caught along with some Cod, but mostly Pollack.
Kelly went out on her first time sea fishing and caught 3 Pollack around 13lb and 1 Cod at 8lb. We have been mainly drifting and the the sidewinder shads and red head lures seem to be producing some good catches.
One day when we weren't fishing, we were doing some drug running! - for the latest DVD of 'The fall of the Essex boys', that was also a great day. Check out the DVD as it has just been released, some good footage of the boat.View Boats Page