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Fishing Report by Colin Penny
on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)
16 Apr 2013 by Colin Penny
Report on-board Flamer IV
THE SUSSEX BOYS DO GOOD WITH A CHANGE OF PLAN - Dave Metcalf and his mates from Sussex joined Flamer IV for their annual Spring flatty trip but due to the constant unsettled weather the water clarity was not suitable for drift fishing for flatty's. They were not detered when I suggested the best thing to do would be to anchor up on the banks and see what comes. During their two days we only saw two flatty's a Turbot and a Dab but the quality of the other fish they caught was really good. Several Blonde Rays up to 25Ib were caught along with Spotted Rays and an 11Ib Undulate Ray.Also some excellent Spurdogs were caught in the 12 to 18Ib range. Other species caught were Bull Huss,Whiting,Pout and Dogfish. All the fish were released alive.The crew used down tide and up tide tatics with the successful baits being combinations of Ammo Squid and Mackerel.John Hole did particularly well landing several species and the two top fish with a 25Ib Blonde Ray and an 18Ib Spurdog.John is pictured with his big Blonde.
LUCKY STU - Stuart Johnson was sat down having a chat when his rod bent over and dissapeared over the side."OH DEAR" Stu said.Well not quite in them words.But 10 minutes later Paul Francis thought he was reeling up a fish when in fact his trace had tangled around stu's tackle and up come a Blonde Ray and Stu's rod and reel.I guess Stuart may be doing the lottery this week to see if his luck is really in.View Boats Page