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  • 20/05/2013 Fishing Report by Colin Penny on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)

    20 May 2013 by Colin Penny

    Report on-board Flamer IV

    WEST COUNTRY TRIP REPORT - During the trip many different species were caught whilst fishing over Wrecks/Reefs and Banks.The wrecks produced some excellent Ling fishing along with other species like Cod,Pollack ,Conger and Spurdogs.The Reef action saw some good size Bull Huss along with Smooth Hounds,Grey Gurnards ,Thornback Ray etc. Plenty of Plaice were caught on the Skerries Bank. In all 16 different species were caught. Trophy awards went to - Over all Winner - Dodgey Dave Barton with 334 points,Most Species with 12 - Stephan Attwood,Best Fish 19Ib Ling - Steve Lysaght(Pictured),Best Flatfish 2Ib 12oz Plaice - Trevor pegg.

    Take a Lok at this link

    WEST COUNTRY TRIP 20-24 MAY.Trevor Pegg wrote - This was my first experience of Colin,s West Country trip which started with us sailing from Weymouth to our base in Dartmouth picking up some wrecking along the way. With good weather, the following day was ideal for drifting for plaice which saw over 40 fish to the boat. A great bonus is not having to drive long distances after a day,s fishing and the social side with good company is excellent. A good variety of fish were caught with ling to 20lbs and a couple of "firsts" for me. As ever you need to be lucky with the weather but this really is a trip with a difference and to be recommended. Thanks Colin for all your efforts to keep us on fish.

    Skippers Reponse: Thanks Trevor, I am glad you enjoyed the West Country Trip and hope you book on again next year.

    2014 WEST COUNTRY TRIP for individuals MAY 19,20,21,22,23, INTERESTED then contact me for details.(6 Places Left)

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