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Fishing Report by Colin Penny
on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)
11 Aug 2013 by Colin Penny
Report on-board Flamer IV
FLAMER IV FISHY NEWS August 2013 Reef/Bank Trip - Pictured is Trevor Lockyer age 64 from Dorset with the 20Ib 8oz Blonde Ray he caught. The Ray took a mackerel flapper cocktail bait presented on 6/0 hook. The female ray was released alive Trevor also caught a smaller Blonde Ray weighing 10Ib which was also released alive.
On the Same trip Jenny Foley age 62 caught her first and now Personal Best Spotted Ray weighing 5Ib.Jenny also caught an 8Ib Thornback Ray.Some Tope were also caught but a few were also lost to fight another day.
THE NEXT REEF/BANK TRIP WITH PLACES AVAILABLE are on August 15th,16th,22nd,25th,
DON'T MISS OUT.View Boats Page