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Fishing Report by Gethyn Owen
on My Way 2 (Holyhead, Isle of Anglesey)
16 Aug 2013 by Gethyn Owen
Report on-board My Way 2
The weather gods tried to steal August 16th from us, however with no Holyhead Deep we decided upon a species hunt from 3 favourite marks around the bay instead. Here is a brief report on how it went ...
A strong SW wind had us battling a lumpy sea towards the North Stack area to start our day on the drift with wrasse and maybe some small pollack our intended targets. On the drift Menai Bridge angler Mark Dolben was proving a worthy opponent for the wrasse family adding numerous ballans, goldsinny and cuckoo wrasse to his impressive tally of fish for the first hour.
A few mackerel came to the boat throughout the day, sadly not in any decent amount, just the odd couple now and then. Arron Miles form Holyhead was also catching a plentiful amount of ballan wrasse before he scaled down his gear after mini species and was duly rewarded by this small rock goby. We also added corkwing, pollack
As the speed of our drift slowed down so did the fishing so it was time to move over to the mussel beds.
We went to a mark around a mile further west than we normally go, making use of the neap tide and fishing a mark deeper than normal. We did though struggle for fish! Were as normally it is one after another, single, double and triple shots of dogs, whiting dabs gurnard etc. along with the odd huss and ray, we were getting only the odd fish now and then with only one triple hook up of dogs.
Something was amiss! The reason would become apparent later, but we did manage to add dab, dogfish, dragonet & small huss.
Holyhead bay in August there is always a good chance of a big tope if you're prepared to sit out with a big bait ignoring all the smaller species. Mark though wanted a tope and was determined to give it his best through our anchor on the mussel beds. Fortunately he was rewarded an hour into the anchor, with a first tope and awesome PB level of 48lb 7oz, Mark also followed this tope up with an other mid 30lber. Arron Miles landed another personal best of 46lb.
We ended the day inshore where we managed to add a few smoothies, poor cod and codling to our species tally.
So from a gloomy start to the day we had a great day inshore species hunting , enjoyed by all onboard.
16 species, not bad for a change of plan ...
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