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Fishing Report by Dave Elliott
on Ocean Warrior 3 (Brighton, East Sussex)
Sep 2013 by Dave Elliott
Report on-board Ocean Warrior 3
Autumn Turbot and Brill Fishing on Ocean Warrior 3
Newhaven's Ocean Warrior 3 is still on the Turbot and the Brill with some outstanding results. Tomasz Lukaszewicz who had been given a gift voucher and never been sea fishing before had some nice Turbot and Brill. His biggest Brill was 8lb which was a good catch for his first time out.
The weather has been reasonable of late as we come to the end of the summer. We will stay on the Turbot and Brill for a little bit longer then back on the first run of Cod, which will be starting to show soon. I am looking forward to the first run of Cod coming, which will be in the next couple weeks. We will back fishing at anchor with the big Cod baits back on.
Ocean Warrior 3 still has spaces during the week if you fancy a days angling. Call Dave on 07966 377145 or check out the website at to see some of the latest catches.View Boats Page