View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by Dave Elliott
on Ocean Warrior 3 (Brighton, East Sussex)
Sep 2013 by Dave Elliott
Report on-board Ocean Warrior 3
We have managed to keep on the Brill and Turbot lately, along with the odd Blonde Ray showing on the offshore marks.
The biggest Blonde Ray went to David Furness, which was 17lb, which was his first time aboard Ocean Warrior 3. The Blonde Ray was weighed, photographed and returned to sea alive. They also had some nice Brill and Turbot to take home.
On the inshore marks we have been catching a few Cod and Whiting as they are just starting to show over the rough ground. Looking forward to seeing some nice big Cod over the next few weeks on the baits.
It is now coming to the end of the season for the Brill and Turbot. So if you fancy taking advantage of fishing for these over the next couple of weeks, or alternatively, if you want to book up for the Cod and Whiting fishing give Dave a call on 07966 377145 or visit www.oceanwarrior3.comView Boats Page