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Fishing Report by Colin Penny
on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)
29 Mar 2010 by Colin Penny
Report on-board Flamer IV
FLAMER III MARCH REPORT - The wreck fishing continued to be good with plenty of pollack and quite a few ling being caught on a variety of lures.But the rhubarb and custard sidewinder doe's seem to work the best on most trips.The inshore fishing was a bit quiet but rays,smooth hounds,whiting etc were caught on squid and mackerel baits.The flatty's started to put in an appearance with plaice and turbot being caught.18 different species caught on Flamer III so far in 2010.Flamer Fish of the
Month for March was awarded to Antonio Comparetto for his superb 19Ib 8oz pollack.Features - Flamer III was featured in two angling magazines in March,1/ a Pollack fishing feature in Total Sea Fishing and 2/ a Spring Species feature in Boat Fishing Monthly.Check them out if you have not seen them already.View Boats Page