Fishing on Duke IV now much improved with the arrival of the summer species. This along with the spring run of Cod and Thornbacks we are keeping the angler’s busy! Also being caught are some quality Whiting and Dabs! Smoothounds and Bass, although mostly small are here and feeding so by moving about we can have a good mixed bag of fish! Some large Bass being landed in the nets, it would appear that these fish are travelling so not interested in our baits, mores the pity! The Cod will be moving off to the wrecks by the end of the month to join the Pollack that will be there already. Shads, Redgills and jellyworms are the way to fish the wrecks here off Ramsgate with Hokkies and pirks on the banks. A Ramsgate restaurant was recently offering local caught Halibut steaks, getting ready to report them to trading standards under the Bulldung heading I was surprised to find that a local netting boat actually landed the fish, weighing 65lb just three miles out from the harbour, this same boat has also landed some good Turbot and Brill, so they are here, just got to get em on rod&line! Get latest reports at