View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by kurt lander
on Yellowfin (Brighton, East Sussex)
27 Mar 2014 by kurt lander
Report on-board Yellowfin
With the day light lasting longer so have our long distance wreck fishing trips,
over 30 miles out in the English Channel where the wrecks get fished less, a
Fine body of men from Heart's and Essex was on their first wreck trip on
The first Wreck of the day only gave us one Pollack so of over the horizon
we went. The next wreck was fishing much better, wind and tide pushing
us along at 1.5 knots over the wreck, the group started catching some nice
Pollack, on a mixture of lures Rhubarb & Custard colures worked the best,
Paul Crittell and son Steven had a fish fight, Farther beat son 6 fish to 1.
Best Fish of the day was caught by Paul, 13lb 8oz
All on boat had a good day, as you can see from the group picture. Thanks
Peter, Trevor, Steve, Paul, Dixie, Martin, Steve, Derek & Digger.
If you want to fish long distant wrecks with fish on them give us call & book
a trip on Yellowfin.
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