View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by Maxime Couque
on Leaca Rua (Rossaveel, Galway)
25 May 2010 by Maxime Couque
Report on-board Leaca Rua
The week end started on Friday 21st of May with JP going out fishing with Kevin on the Maighdean Mara and they had a great day fishing with around 6 spurdogs and 13 species.
The weather was magic over the week end, but not easy to find fish, six spurdogs and 9 species caught on the Leaca Rua on the Saturday (pollock, spurdog, dog fish, cod, poor cod, pouting, mackerel, sandeel and whiting). Steve Turner got three spurdogs that day and one of them was 14lbs.
The Sunday was even nicer than the Saturday, Kevin had a group from Mayo and they did very well with species (13 again) and few nice cods and the Leaca Rua brought a group from Galway and we did very well with Pollocks. Tried for Tope but no Luck.View Boats Page