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Fishing Report by Colin Penny
on Flamer IV (Weymouth, Dorset)
14 Jun 2010 by Colin Penny
Report on-board Flamer IV
Gypsy Mariners SAC from Devon joined Flamer III for a five day angling break.This was the third year in a row the club has come to Weymouth aboard Flamer III for an angling break.The first four days saw a fresh north easterly wind restrict were we could go fishing but the group were not detered and caught several species including plaice,dabs,gurnards,dog fish,wrasse,pollack,pout etc.The biggest plaice was aught by Mark Cooper and weighed 3Ib 14oz.Mark is pictured with his catch.On day five the wind dropped and a wrecking trip was done and cod,pollack and bass were caught.Bruce Dellow landing the biggest cod weighing 13Ib 8oz.Over the five days a friendly but competative competition was done.Results,Winner Mark,Runner Up - Paul,Most Species - Mark,Best Specimen - Mark,Weakest Link - Bruce.
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