View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by Bob Marshall
on Duke IV (Ramsgate, Kent)
28 Jun 2010 by Bob Marshall
Report on-board Duke IV
The weather Gods are smiling on us here at Ramsgate with calm seas and plenty of sunshine, this all makes the fishing so pleasant, the fish are playing ball too!
We are getting good catches of Thornback Ray from the many banks in our area, the Bass are shoaling and we are catching some quality Smoothounds.
Mackerel are also around but not in the numbers we would expect at this time of the year, this is the second year where they are relatively thin on the ground, could this be due to bad luck or possibly something more serious like overfishing in other areas?
I keep thinking of the thousands of tonnes being trawled in the north of Scotland! Could these Mackerel have been making their way south?
July and August are probably the best months of the year to try for large Bass using whole squid or large mackerel baits. Pick a large tide and sit in the rips around the North Foreland or up in the Thames Estuary, be patient and you may be rewarded with a double figure fish! Please bare in mind these fish will be females, with huge spawning potential so to return them is a great service to the future Bass stocks and great to see them swim off after a quick picture!
Malcolm Andersons crew from Corby landed 17 Thornbacks on Duke IV, releasing most of them unharmed, this followed a tough day on the wrecks so well done chaps, hope you enjoyed your trip to Ramsgate!View Boats Page