View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by Dave Elliott
on Ocean Warrior 3 (Brighton, East Sussex)
Feb 2015 by Dave Elliott
Report on-board Ocean Warrior 3
We have been out of the water for a few weeks for general maintenance.
Glad to say we are back in the water and have managed to get in a wrecking trip. The Really Wrecked SAC had some really nice Pollock, along with a new club record! The catch went to Steve Newham from Sussex and it came out at 19lb 6oz. It was caught drifting over an offshore deep water wreck using a sidewinder lure.
On the day they also had a few more Pollock up to 14lb, along the odd Cod showing.
We are looking forward to getting back out on the water, as hoping the fishing will only get better!
Glad the start of the wrecking season has gone well and hope for much of the same or better.....
If you fancy a day out fishing - call David on 07966 377145 or visit for calendar and booking information.View Boats Page