View Fishing Report
Fishing Report by Bob Marshall
on Duke IV (Ramsgate, Kent)
19 Mar 2015 by Bob Marshall
Report on-board Duke IV
At last the weather has been good enough to get out and despite the conditions deteriorating throughout the day we manage a reasonable catch with Codling and some quality Whiting. There are lots of Herring passing through at the moment, this of course draws the Cod up in the water making them difficult to catch.
Skate are arriving now also some big Bass being caught in the nets, again they are more interested in getting to wherever they are heading than feeding but if there, they are catchable.
Despite the cold wind, summer is around the corner, the crabs will be peeling and the Hounds will turn up along with Bass and Mackerel feeding on sandeels so lets make the most of this spring Cod run that should last through April when they will move offshore and settle on the wrecks hopefully giving us the best chance of Cod for some years.
Pic shows todays crew with some of the catchView Boats Page