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Fishing Report by Lyle Stantiford
on Supanova II (Weymouth, Dorset)
Mar 2015 by Lyle Stantiford
Report on-board Supanova II
As March draws to a close i'm sat here staring out the window with the trees blowing all over the place as another Atlantic Low pressure system is moving through.
Unfortunately this March hasn't been the best for weather, however when we have managed to get out the sport has been good.
Most trips have been Wrecking for Pollack which has been reliable, with plenty of nice fish putting a bend in the rods which is great to see. Last week we had our first look of the season for some Ling, first couple of wrecks drew a blank which got me twitching as to whether they had moved up through the ground yet. The final move proved fantastic with a frenetic hours fishing accounting for some cracking fish.
Such is the strength and depth of the sport Weymouth can offer, if the weather and the tides allow it is possible to break your days up into half wrecking and half inshore if everything is on our side.
A day and a half last week was spent looking for the first spring flatfish inshore, The water still seems a little cold but within a couple of weeks things should begin to kick off properly. Over the day and half period we accounted for 5 Turbot (all returned) and 13 Plaice. Not great by any means but encouraging signs none the less.
The next month should see continued wreck action with Pollack, Ling and the first Cod hopefully. Inshore should now really begin to kick on with Plaice, Turbot and rays the most likely targets and towards the end of the month the arrival of the first bream to the east and hopefully the first run of Mackerel which is surely a sign summer is coming!!!
Pictured is Shane Johnson with his PB Ling of 23lb 8oz
Thanks to all for their continued support to Weymouth and long may you all keep visiting the finest fleet in the UK.
Tight Lines,
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